Friday, February 13, 2009

Agave and Rockhound

"Agave" and "Rockhound" were on display at the Meridian City Hall Initial Point Gallery for the month of August 2009 as part of the exhibition of the Idaho Painters' Guild.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Idaho Watercolor Society Annual Spring 2009 Workshop

I will be teaching the Idaho Watercolor Society Annual Spring 2009 Workshop scheduled for March 13 and 14 at All Saints Episcopal Church in Boise.

We will be doing one half-sheet floral painting, spanning the two days of the workshop. My plan is to take attendees step by step through my “process,” from selecting a subject and formulating a strong painting from it, through creating the actual painting. The emphasis will be on the following techniques: underpainting, transparent glazes, negative painting, and creating hard and soft edges. Since we’ll only have a very limited amount of time, I’d like to focus on really mastering these few, but important, applications for watercolor painting.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meridian Rodeo Queen

This lovely painting has won several awards, most recently in Professional Portraits at the 2009 Western Idaho Fair. It was also recognized with an award in portraiture at the Nampa Art Guild 47th Annual Spring Membership Show May 14 -18 2009. It is in the private collection of Larry Goetz.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Arthur A. Hart

This portrait of Idaho Historian Arthur A. Hart won the Judge’s Choice Award at the Nampa Art Guild 47th Annual Spring Membership Show May 14 - 18 2009. The lovely roses in the background are part of the beautiful English-style gardens at the home of Idaho Artist Dwight Williams.