Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nampa Art Guild Watercolor Portrait Workshop

This painting-in-progress was the subject of my recent watercolor portrait workshop for the Nampa Art Guild held November 20, 2009. Demand for the class exceeded the available spaces, so we have scheduled another workshop for Friday, April 9, 2010 open to those members who weren't able to attend the November class. We will be doing this same portrait, which offers opportunities to render hair, fair skin, child facial proportions, and fabric.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bozo at the Nampa Art Guild Centennial 24 Juried Art Show

Bozo will be showing at the Nampa Art Guild Centennial 24 Juried Art Show at the Nampa Civic Center from October 20 through October 29, 2009. The address for the Nampa Civic Center is 311 3rd Street South, Nampa, Idaho.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Essie's Garden, Parma

The University of Idaho, Parma Research & Extension Center in Parma, holds its Annual Fruit Field Day every September. This year, Dr. Essie Fallahi will again host a tour of the table grape vineyards, the new grape canopy experiment, and the apple, peach, and nectarine groves. This painting is from a photograph I took at last year's Field Day while strolling through the Center's vineyards. They were spectacularly beautiful.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Meridian Rodeo -- "Bozo"

This beautiful animal's name is Bozo, and he and his rider were performing at the Meridian Rodeo last year. He recently won two awards -- First Place Animals/Wildlife, and a Special Award for Best Signature Style at the 2009 Western Idaho Fair.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Art Source Gallery Seventh Annual National Juried Exhibition

"Didjeridu" was accepted into a national juried show hosted by the Art Source Gallery in Boise. It runs for the month of July. The juror accepted 30 pieces out of over 200 entries, consisting of oil and acrylic paintings, sculpture, ceramics, and fiber art.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Agave and Rockhound

"Agave" and "Rockhound" were on display at the Meridian City Hall Initial Point Gallery for the month of August 2009 as part of the exhibition of the Idaho Painters' Guild.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Idaho Watercolor Society Annual Spring 2009 Workshop

I will be teaching the Idaho Watercolor Society Annual Spring 2009 Workshop scheduled for March 13 and 14 at All Saints Episcopal Church in Boise.

We will be doing one half-sheet floral painting, spanning the two days of the workshop. My plan is to take attendees step by step through my “process,” from selecting a subject and formulating a strong painting from it, through creating the actual painting. The emphasis will be on the following techniques: underpainting, transparent glazes, negative painting, and creating hard and soft edges. Since we’ll only have a very limited amount of time, I’d like to focus on really mastering these few, but important, applications for watercolor painting.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Meridian Rodeo Queen

This lovely painting has won several awards, most recently in Professional Portraits at the 2009 Western Idaho Fair. It was also recognized with an award in portraiture at the Nampa Art Guild 47th Annual Spring Membership Show May 14 -18 2009. It is in the private collection of Larry Goetz.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Arthur A. Hart

This portrait of Idaho Historian Arthur A. Hart won the Judge’s Choice Award at the Nampa Art Guild 47th Annual Spring Membership Show May 14 - 18 2009. The lovely roses in the background are part of the beautiful English-style gardens at the home of Idaho Artist Dwight Williams.

Thursday, January 8, 2009



Lily Marsh Pond II

This is a full-sheet painting (almost three feet wide), but the subject is a tiny wild rose probably no more that one and a half inches in diameter. At such a scale, the exquisite beauty found in the colors, shapes, and shadows of this blossom may go unremarked--but they didn't elude me. These bushy wildflowers were growing in profusion in May at the Lily Marsh Pond in Ponderosa State Park, McCall, Idaho.


"Cascade" is in the private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young.

Collected Wisdom

Collected Wisdom won the Juror's Choice Award at the 2008 Nampa Art Guild 46th Annual Spring Membership Show.

Artichoke Series


Guitar won Best of Show at the Idaho Watercolor Society's Fall 2007 Open Show.


International Refugee Day

International Refugee Day was juried into the Idaho Watercolor Society's Annual Show 2009.

Justin McBride

My portrait of champion bull rider Justin McBride won "Best of Show" at the Idaho State Fair 2008.

Idaho City Fast Draw

This gentleman is Mack Craig, a member of the Idaho Shootists and Cowboy Fast Draw Association of America. The painting won "Best Watercolor" and "Best Portrait" at the 2009 Western Idaho Fair.

10th & Bannock

My portrait of this tank commander won "Best Portrait" at the 2008 Western Idaho Fair.

Hyde Park Street Fair

This wonderful portrait is in the private collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberts of Boise, Idaho.